About the Department
Genesis and Growth
The Department of Civil Engineering was established in the year 2009 with an intake of 60 in B.Tech. Civil Engineering (CE). The intake was increased to 120 in the year 2011 besides admission under lateral entry scheme. The B.Tech. program was accredited by NBA for three years. (16.03.2020–15.03.2023).
Civil Engineering
Civil engineering includes the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of large and permanent engineering projects of our civilization. Civil engineers are in demand wherever there are people. The major subdivisions of civil engineering are Construction Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Surveying, Transportation Engineering and Water Resources Engineering.
The civil engineer is responsible for projects such as bridges, large buildings, dams, river and harbor works, municipal water supply and sanitation facilities, streets, highways, and other transportation facilities. On many projects, civil engineers work in close cooperation with engineers and scientists from other fields.
The department is headed by Dr. O. Eswara Reddy, M.Tech., Ph.D. who has more than 20 years of teaching, research, industrial and administrative experience. He graduated in B.Tech. (Civil Engineering) from S.V. University in 1998 and M.Tech. (Geotechnical Engineering) from NIT, Warangal. He was awarded Ph.D. in Civil Engineering by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad for his work on “Pullout Response of Granular Pile Anchors”. He has been working as Professor and Chairman – Board of Studies in the Department of Civil Engineering at SVEC, Tirupati since 2010. He is the Founder Head and Architect of Civil Engineering Department and served as Vice-Principal, 2nd Shift Polytechnic. He served at different academic capacities in various institutes of distinction i.e., N.B.K.R. Institute of Science & Technology, Vidyanagar; S.V.U. College of Engineering, S. V. University, Tirupati; Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Hosur, TN and Aurora’s Scientific, Technological and Research Academy, Hyderabad from 2001 to 2010. Apart from teaching, he worked as Project Engineer cum Geotechnical Engineer for various Highway Projects. He has to his credit 32 number of publications in national and international conferences and journals.

Prof. Dr. O. ESWARA REDDY, M.Tech. (Geotechnical Engg.), Ph.D.
He designed and fabricated an experimental facility to conduct pullout tests on Granular Pile Anchors. Offered and offering Geotechnical consultancy services for various govt. and non-government organizations. He serves as Technical Advisor for Enritz Engineering and Constructions Private Limited., Chennai and Nischinth-Quality in Construction, Bangalore.
He delivered Invited Lectures at various engineering colleges in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu and served as Visiting Faculty, National Academy of Construction (NAC), Hyderabad. He got recognized as Geoenvironmental Expert, National Network of Experts and Resources for Subsurface Investigations and Remediation of Contaminated Sites (NERCS), IIT Delhi, prepared for Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Govt. of India, July 2018. He is an Executive Committee Member, Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) Tirupati Chapter, Tirupati. He is a reviewer and editorial board member of various national and international journals. He attended advanced faculty development programs organized by various national premier institutes.
He is a Life Fellow Member of Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) and The Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI). He is a Life Member of Indian Geotechnical Society, Indian Society for Rock Mechanics and Tunneling Technology, Indian Roads Congress, Indian Society for Technical Education and The Indian Science Congress Association. He is a Member of International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), London, UK and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), USA.
He is supported by a team of senior faculty members with good qualification, rich experience, competency, dedicated professionalism, skills of higher learning and knowledge in different domains of civil engineering. Faculty have been maintaining excellent standards in teaching apart from maintaining discipline among the students.
The fast developing technology challenges the faculty to update knowledge continuously to impart quality education to students. Hence the faculty are interacting with various national and international experts in the field of Civil Engineering by attending national and international Workshops, Seminars, Conference and Congresses etc.
The department maintains a close liaison and rapport with IITs, NITs, Research Laboratories, Government Bodies, Construction Industries and Consultancy Organizations etc. This is likely to enhance the potential of the faculty which in turn help them to train students with regard to various skills as per current needs of the industry. The expertise of the faculty of this department is also being utilized by various government and private organizations in the areas of Research and Development, Training, Consultancy and Testing Services etc.
The Department has well furnished laboratories with sophisticated equipment, seminar hall, and department library. The academic activities of the Department emphasizes deep understanding of fundamental principles, development of creative ability to handle the challenges of Civil Engineering, and the analytical ability to solve problems which are interdisciplinary in nature. The Department also encourages its students to engage in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, essential for development, nurturing of team spirit, and developing organizational skills.
To become a leading centre of excellence in the country in Civil Engineering education through teaching, research, consultancy and public service for technical development in a knowledge society.
- Inspire the civil engineers of tomorrow to take on the challenges of creating and sustaining the built environment that support our society.
- Nurture these civil engineers with fundamental engineering knowledge, a broad set of skills, and an inquisitive attitude for creating innovative solutions to serve industry and community through contemporary curriculum, congenial learning environment, pertinent research, industry-institute interaction, mentoring, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
- Encourage faculty and staff to excel in their respective fields and demonstrate the best of their abilities by way of continuing education, research and consultancy.
Department Philosophy
- The Department of Civil Engineering believes in that, the students of the program have to make quantitative predictions and effects of the designs and structures they deliver. It is understood here as a well-thought-out mix of social cause with scientific and technological interventions. Hence, it is our humble endeavor to train students holistically in sustainable planning, designing, construction and maintenance of buildings and other infrastructure; and natural disaster mitigation and management.
Civil Engineering
The department offers one undergraduate program i.e. B.Tech. (Civil Engineering) since inception.
The undergraduate program B.Tech. in Civil Engineering envisages to provide students with a good understanding of Civil Engineering solutions in a global, societal and environmental context, consistent with the principles of sustainable development along with high standard of engineering knowledge, creativity and logic with supervisory and administrative skills. The course will make the students capable in identifying, formulating and solving civil engineering problems that meet specified performance, cost, time, safety and other quality needs and objectives with professional and ethical responsibility. The program emphasises on industry and research based projects, which would enhance their skills to become successful professionals for a holistic development.
The B.Tech. (Civil Engineering) Curriculum is contemporary and comprises courses from seven knowledge areas of civil engineering namely Construction Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Surveying, Transportation Engineering and Water Resources Engineering apart from the courses of general engineering, basic sciences and humanities. The curriculum is designed considering ASCE, ABET, AICTE and UGC guidelines and curricula of national and international premier institutes. It is a choice based credit system with 160 credits for Major Degree and an additional 18 credits for Minor/Honors Degree as a choice. B.Tech. (CE) curriculum includes program core, professional electives, open electives, MOOC courses, value added/skill based courses.
Department Achievements
- Accredited by NBA for three years (2020-21 to 2022-23 up to 30-06-2023)
- Intellectual Association of Civil Engineers (IACE) was established in the year 2011.
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) SVEC Student Chapter was established in the year 2017.
- Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) SVEC Student Chapter was established in the year 2018
- The Department has two Research Centres in the thrust areas:
- Water and Environment
- Geotechnical Engineering
- The Department has Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) with 6 industries.
- Satyavani Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA.
- My Home Constructions (P) Limited, Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA.
- Civil-Aid Technoclinic Private Limited (A Bureau Veritas Group Company), Bengaluru, Karnataka, INDIA.
- Sarathy Geotech & Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, Karnataka, INDIA.
- BSCPL Infrastructure Ltd., Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA.
- Maccaferri Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Gurgaon, Haryana, INDIA.
- The Department has successfully organized Two FDPs and One Seminar sponsored by AICTE.
- The Department has successfully completed Two Research Projects out of which one is sponsored by UGC and the other by SVET.
- Over the period of the last three academic years,
- The Department has successfully sent 98 batches of students for Internship to various industries across the nation.
- The Department has successfully organized 19 Site Visits for students of B.Tech. civil Engineering in and around the campus and other real time projects to enrich practical knowledge and skills among students.
- The Department has successfully organized 7 Students Workshops to enrich the knowledge and skills on latest techniques and methods adopted in civil engineering among students.
- The Department has successfully organized 19 Guest Lectures to bring awareness on current trends and the practical challenges in civil engineering.
- The Department has successfully organized 04 Outreach Activities to bring awareness on social responsibility.
Faculty Achievements
- The faculty of the Department of Civil Engineering has made the following achievements:
- Publications – 34
- Patents – 01
- Research Projects – 02
- AICTE Sponsored FDPs – 02
- AICTE Sponsored Seminar – 01
- Consultancy – 80 Works
- Faculty Recognitions:
- Professional Body Memberships
- Reviewers of Journals
- Editorial Board Members
- Examiners
- Resource Persons
- Technical Advisors to Industry
- BOS Members
- Subject Experts
Student Achievements
- 11 Students of B.Tech. Civil Engineering have received Prathibha Awards from of A.P.
- 7 Students of B.Tech. Civil Engineering have received Endowment Gold Medals.
- 27 Students of B.Tech. Civil Engineering have Publications in various Journals/Conferences.
- 425 Students of B.Tech. Civil Engineering have membership of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
- 273 Students of B.Tech. Civil Engineering have membership of Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS).
- 61 students of B.Tech. Civil Engineering have participated in Paper/Poster Presentation.
- 245 students of B.Tech. Civil Engineering have attended various
- An Alumnus of Tech. Civil Engineering is a member of Review Committee on IRC-75.
- A total of 6 prizes have been secured by the students of B.Tech Civil Engineering in sports events.
- 2022-23
- 2021-22
- Expert/Guest Lecture
- Online-Guest-Lecture-on-Recent-Innovations-in-Concrete-Technology-09-12-2022
- Guest Lecture on “Orientation in Geopolymer Concrete – An Innovative Approach 02-12-2022
- Expert Lecture on “Ground Improvement Aspects for Different Components of Large Earth-cum-Rockfill Dams-09-11-2022
- Expert Lecture on “GGBS for Strong, Durable, Sustainable, & Green Concrete Constructions-17-11-2022
- An Expert Lecture on “Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) – A Case Study” 15.10.2022
- Guest Lecture on “A Case Study on Applications of Geosynthetics for Slope Stabilization 01-10-2022
- An Expert Lecture on “Career Counselling for Civil Engineering Students 11.07.2022
- Expert-Lecture-Design-of-Offshore-Structures-Report-10-08-2022
- Expert Lecture on “Environmental Management in Mines and Thermal units” 05-08-2022
- Career Counseling for Civil Engineering Students 11-07-2022
- Expert Lecture on Deterioration of Concrete 05-07-2022
- ASCE SVEC Activities Final Summary – 2022
- Workshop
- Expert/Guest Lecture
- 2020-21
- Staff Development Program on “Rainwater Harvesting” – 26.06.2021
- Paper Presentation on “Recent Trends and Technologies in Civil Engineering” – 20.06.2021
- Poster Presentation on “Civil Engineering Infrastructure for the Development of Smart Cities” – 30.05.2021
- Poster Presentation on “Recent Trends and Technologies in Civil Engineering” – 23.05.2021
- A One Day Online Workshop on “Research Methodology” – 22.05.2021
- Structural Photography on “Bridge Structures in India” – 15.05.2021
- Project Expo – 16.04.2021
- Field Visit to the Construction Site of Sri Venkateswara Institute of Cancer Care & Advanced Research (SVICCAR) Hospital, Tirupati – 10.04.20201
- A report on Start Up – Mrblehut Pvt Ltd – 01.04.2021
- Debate Competition on “Green Technologies: Pros and Cons” – 01.04.2021
- Cricket Competition – 26.03.2021 to 01.04.2021
- Field Visit to the “Construction Site of Academic Block G+8 Floors and Indoor Stadium, SVEC” – 31.03.2021
- Technical and General Quiz Competition – 30.03.2021
- A Six Day Workshop on “Architectural Modeling using Revit” – 22.03.2021 to 27.03.2021
- Lecture on “Women Empowerment: The Future is Women” – 08.03.2020
- A Guest lecture on “Green Building Movement in India” – 28.01.2020
- Motivational Speech – 23.01.2020
- Chess Competition – 21.01.2020
- Orientation Program on “Significance and Applications of Civil Engineering to Society and Industry” – 21.01.2020
- Rangoli Competition – 11.01.2020
- Dum Charades Competition – 09.01.2020
- Group Discussion Competition – 08.01.2021
- Outreach Activity – An Awareness Program on “Safety Measures to Prevent COVID-19” at A. Rangampet, Chandragiri Mandal, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, India – 31.12.2020
- Orientation Program for Freshers (CE-Lateral Entry Students) – 19.12.2020
- Virtual Field Visit on “Polavaram Irrigation Project, Andhra Pradesh, India” – 08.12.2020
- Virtual Field Visit on “World Longest Tunnel – ATAL Tunnel, Rohtang, Himachal Pradesh, India” – 13.11.2020
- Guest Lecture on “Role of Foundation Technologies in the Infrastructure Development of India” – 31.10.2020
- Virtual Field Visit on “Construction Site of Bridge Construction Projects in India 2020” – 30.10.2020
- Guest Lecture on “Pile Integrity Test Methods with Case Studies” – 29.10.2020
- An Expert lecture on “Nanotechnology Enabled Water Filters a Sustainable Way for Point-of-use Water Purification” – 15.10.2020
- Poster Presentation on “Sustainability in Civil Engineering” – 27.09.2020
- Online Workshop on “Technological Advancements in Geotechnical Engineering Practice with Geosynthetics (TAGEPG)” – 25.09.2020 to 26.09.2020
- Photography Contest – 24.09.2020
- Engineers’ Day Celebrations – “Sir M Visvesvaraya A Legendary” – 15.09.2020
- Virtual Field Visit on “Chenab Railway Bridge Construction, Jammu & Kashmir, India” – 05.09.2020
- Seminar Presentation on “Civil Engineering Infrastructure for the Development of Smart Cities/Intelligent Transport Systems” – 30.08.2020
- A Three Day National Level Online FDP on “Sustainable Engineering” – 27.08.2020 to 29.08.2020
- Just a Minute (JAM) Competition – 23.08.2020
- Virtual Field Visit on “Smart Cities – Andhra Pradesh, India” – 20.08.2020
- An Expert Lecture on “Role of Women in Civil Engineering” – 01.08.2020
- Structural Photography on “Civil Engineering Structures” – 31.07.2020
- Group Discussion Competition – 30.07.2020
- Essay Writing Competition – 29.07.2020
- Expert Lecture on “Entrepreneurship and Funding Opportunities for Women” – 30.07.2020
- 2019-20
- A Three Day National Level Online FDP on “Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of Structures” held during 4-6 June, 2020
- Expert Lecture on “Sustainable Utilization of Scrap Tire Derived Geomaterials” for Civil Engineering Applications by Prof. A. Murali Krishna on 21-05-2020
- Refresher Program on “Civil Engineering Materials & Concrete Technology lab” on 09-03-2020
- An event on “Town Planning” conducted by IACE held on 06-03-2020
- An event on “Thematic Apperception Test” conducted by IACE held on 04-03-2020
- Staff Development Programme on “Civil Engineering Materials & Concrete Technology Lab” on 24-02-2020
- A Six Day Workshop on “Total Station Survey” for II B.Tech II-Sem CE-B during 17-21 February, 2020
- Expert Lecture on “Raft Foundation of Barrage Structures – Design and Construction Aspects” by Dr. B. Umashankar on 25-01-2020
- A Six Day Workshop on “Total Station Survey” for II B.Tech II-Sem CE-A during 20-25 January 2020
- Six Day Workshops one on “Revit Architecture” during 23rd – 28th Dec, 2019 and another on “ETABS” during 29 Dec-3 Jan, 2020
- Distinguished lecture on “Sustainable Engineering Challenges and Applications” by Dr. Krishna R. Reddy on 02-01-2020
- Outreach Activity i.e., An Awareness Programme on “Role of Civil Engineering in Societal Development” at Govt. Junior college (Girls), Chandragiri on 31-12-2019
- Social Gathering of Faculty Advisor, Coordinator and Office Bearers at Regional Science Centre, Tirupati on 28-12-2019
- An event on Just a Minute (JAM) conducted by IACE held on 28-12-2019
- Lecture on “Ethics for Civil Engineering” on 27-12-2019
- Lecture on “Pre-Requisite for Acceptance of Valuation Assignment” on 21-12-2019
- Expert Lecture on “ Tree to Reinforced Concrete Houses” on 19-12-2019
- Field Visit to Construction Site of “Indoor Stadium, Hostel Building with Modern Facilities and Smart Kitchen, SVEC Campus” for I B.Tech I-Sem CE-A on 05-12-2019
- Field Visit to Construction Site of “Indoor Stadium, Hostel Building with Modern Facilities and Smart Kitchen, SVEC Campus” for I B.Tech I-Sem CE-B on 05-12-2019
- A One Day FDP on “Advanced Surveying” on 23-11-2019
- Collaboration – ASCE Workshop – STRUCTURA’19, VIT Unversity, Vellore on 21-10-2019
- A Report on Two day National Fest Geotechnical Fiesta 2k19 held on 14-15 October, 2019
- Outreach Program – “Save the Mother Earth by avoiding Soil Pollution” held on 04-10-2019
- An event on Techno-Marketing conducted by IACE held on 24-09-2019
- Debate on “Professional Code of Practice in Different Countries – Need and Relevance” on 23-09-2019
- Poster Presentation Competition on “Smart Materials and Structures” on 21-09-2019
- Paper Presentation Competition on “Different Themes of Civil Engineering” on 19-09-2019
- Field Visit to Construction Site of Hostel Building with Modern Facilities and Smart Kitchen, Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College Campus on 03-09-2019
- Field Visit to Construction Site of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple Building besides Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College Campus on 08-08-2019
- A competition on Dumb Charades conducted by IACE held on 30-08-2019
- Orientation Program for Freshers i.e., I B.Tech. and II B.Tech. Lateral Entry CE Students at CE Seminar Hall, SVEC on 08-08-2019
- Field visit – Narasingapuram Railway over Bridge construction Site on 03-08-2019
- “Formal Inaugural” and A Workshop on “Latest Developments in Civil Engineering” held on 31-07-2019
- Refresher Program on “Civil Engineering Software Lab” on 27-07-2019
- Technical and General Quiz competition held on 20-07-2019
- Staff Development Programme on “Total Station” on 19.07.2019
- Social Gathering of Faculty Advisor, Coordinator and Office Bearers at Divyaramam Park,Tirupati on 14-07-2019
- 2018-19
- IACE Activities
- Valedictory Function of Intellectual Association of Civil Engineers
- Just a Minute(JAM) at CE Seminar Hall, SVEC held on 25-02-2019
- Rangoli Competition on Occasion of Makara Sankranthi held on 10-01-2019
- A Field Visit to the Construction Site of College Hostel Building On Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College Campus Under Civil Engineering Dept on 02-02-2019
- A Field Visit to Construction Site of College Hostel Building in SVEC College Campus on 02-02-2019
- Poster Presentation Competition on “Low Cost Building Materials and Construction Techniques”, at CE Seminar Hall, SVEC held on 19-01-2019
- Water and Environmental Research Center
- Guest/Expert Lectures
- Inauguration of Indian Geotechnical Society Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College (IGS SVEC) Student Chapter An Expert Lecture on “Best Practices in Civil Engineering” held on 22-12-2018
- Expert Lecture on Opportunities in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering held on 20-12-2018
- Interaction with Prof. K.N. Satyanarayana, Director, IIT Tirupati held on 20-12-2018
- An Expert Lecture on “Landslide Hazard Assessment and Monitoring in Kalimpong, Darjeeling, Himalayas”, India held on 17-12-2018
- A Panel Discussion on “Sustainable Civil Engineering Technologies for Smart Cities” held on 08-08-2018
- Brochure-A Panel Discussion on “Sustainable Civil Engineering Technologies for Smart Cities”
- Seminars
- Workshops
- IACE Activities
- 2017-18
- Guest / Expert Lectures
- Workshops and IPRs
- Field Visit
- 2016-17
- Workshops and IPRs
- 2015-16
- 2014-15
- 2013-14
- Workshops and IPRs
- National Workshop on “Latest Developments in Pavement Construction and Maintenance (LDPCM)” during 26-27, July 2013.
- National Level Workshop on “Technological Advancements in Civil Engineering Practice (TACEP)” during 9-10, December 2013.
- IPR Report on “Role of Intellectual Property in Innovations” held on 12-10-2013.
- Workshops and IPRs
- 2012-13
S. No. | Name of the Student | Year of Graduation |
1. | Ms. S. Lakshmi Priya | 2013 |
2. | Ms. N. Anusha | 2014 |
3. | Ms. M. Abheesta | 2015 |
4. | Mr. K. Sai Bhanu | 2016 |
5. | Ms. Y. Meenakshi | 2017 |
6. | Mr. M. Yugesh | 2018 |
7. | Ms. D. Hymavathi | 2019 |
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